103B Enterprise Rd. Hyannis, MA 02601



Crystal Garden Children’s Learning Center of Hyannis, Inc. is based on an educational philosophy that young children should be respected as unique individuals in order to meet their full potential.  We respect and celebrate the child’s individuality and cultural diversity through a child-centered, play-based curriculum derived from the knowledge of how children learn.  We believe that learning is a complex process that results from the interaction of the child’s thinking process and experiences in the world around them.  Children are naturally curious.  They are motivated by their own desires to make sense of their world as they become involved through the world of play – “Hands On”.
The teaching team embraces these viewpoints and assists parents in understanding this world of play and the significance behind it, as well as the various stages of growth and development that transcend to positive guidance and the enhancement of healthy self-esteem.  We are committed to encouraging the essential skills necessary to aid young children in becoming successful learners, promoting a natural enjoyment of the world through this play-based curriculum.
  • Infant (0 months through 15 months) – When the doctor cuts the umbilical cord, a baby’s life on his or her own begins. The official time of birth happens when the baby is clear of the mother’s body. From birth to age one month, the baby is medically known as a neonate. Significant changes happen in the neonatal period of growth and development. With the help and care of others, babies develop physically, emotionally, socially, and cognitively during the first years of life. 
  •  Toddler (15-33 months)  – The name toddlers is quite befitting because they toddle during almost all their waking minutes as they explore the world around them. During this time toddlers become sure-footed (gross motor development) as they practice jumping, hopping, throwing, and catching. There is improvement in their small motor (fingers and hands). Cognitively they begin to understand their environment and become communicators as they learn new words and speak in short sentences.  They soon have a desire for independence as they get older and sometimes demonstrate negative expressions of self-will.
  • Pre-School (2.9-5 years) – children grow and develop in significant ways between ages 2.9 years through 6 years, the most visible is in their physical bodies. There are striking changes in the size and shape of their bodies. By the end of the preschool period, age 5 years, children’s bodies look more like those of adults than those of babies. Children’s motor skills also improve. This enables them to engage in activities that demand coordination and balance, such as biking. Fine-motor skills are improving, but they still lag behind gross motor skills.  Although preschoolers use symbols, including language, in a more mature way, they cannot consistently use logic in reasoning.
  • School-Age (6-13 years) – In these years physical development slows, and most children’s gross-motor skills become graceful and strong. Fine-motor skills improve, too. Intellectually, school-age children are becoming logical and expressing themselves competently. During these years, children also learn formally in school. They depend less on their parents and make more decisions on their own. Friendships and groups become essential for their social development. 

The Learning Center @ Crystal Garden
87 Enterprise Rd. Hyannis, MA. 02601
Phone: 508-790-4710
Fax: 508-790-4712
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.

Crystal Garden Children’s Center Inc.
103B Enterprise Rd. Hyannis, MA 02601
Phone: (508) 790-0012
Fax: (508) 790-4712
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.



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